CM3320 Color Sensor (RGB Sensor, RGBS) is a highly integrated design for RGB light sensing surfacemount solution. In a single chip, it incorporates the photodiode for Red/Green/Blue light individually sensing amplifiers, analog / digital circuits and I2C protocol interface by analog CMO process. CM3320's adoption of the Filtron? technology allows the closest ambient light spectral sensitivityto real human eye responses. Capella RGBS has an excellent temperature compensation capability via an embedded temperature sensor for keeping the output stable under various temperature configurations, and provides temperature information for the system application usage. Its robust refresh rate setting does not need an external RC low pass filter. CM3320 operation voltage ranges from 2.7V and 5.5V. 以上是CM3320的相关介绍,我司专业代理光宝、矽创(昇佳)义隆等品牌的传感器和亿光、三星、首尔等品牌的闪光灯,更多详情欢迎大家来电咨询,联系人:何小姐 联系方式: qq: