CM3232 is an advanced ambient light sensor with I2C protocol interface and is designed by the CMOSprocess. It is easy to operate via a simple I2C command. CM3232 incorporates a photodiode, amplifiers, and analog circuits in a single chip. The best spectral sensitivity is used to closely capture real human eye responses. CM3232 has excellent temperature compensation and the robust refresh rate setting does not need an external RC low pass filter. Software shutdown mode is provided, which reduces power consumption to be less than 1μA. CM3232's operating voltage ranges from 2.5V to 3.6V. CM3232 can detect a wide range of ambient lightpower. Under typical lens (transparency factor 10%),the maximum detecting light strength is over 45KLux. 更多详情欢迎来电咨询,联系人:何小姐 联系方式: qq: